Did you know that PFAS are already present in food and consequently in the blood of most humans?

PFAS determination in various food types to support food safety (FDA Method C-010.02)

In 2007, a study by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) could be detected in the blood serum of 98% of the US population(1). From packaging, air, soil and water PFAS can migrate into our food and beverages. After food intake, PFAS enter into the blood stream. Due to their toxicity, the FDA has published an official method for PFAS determination in various food types to support food safety (FDA Method C-010.01). This method was updated in December 2021 to version C-010.02.

Profit from our application note, which presents a robust and quick method for the quantitative determination of PFAS in milk, curd cheese (quark), bread, brussel sprouts, egg and spinach.

Download Application Note: Determination of PFAS from Food according to FDA Method C-010.02 (EN)

Find out more details about PFAS and official methods for their analysis online:


(1) Environ Health Perspect. 2007 Nov; 115(11): 1596–1602